Donald Trump continues to use the weight of the presidency against a U.S. corporation he does not like -- because they refused to act like a state-sponsored propaganda arm for his reelection campaign.
As soon as he arrived in England, Trump attacked CNN and AT&T, calling on Americans to boycott or unsubscribe to the AT&T network.
13 minutes later he tweeted this: (typos and all)
I can't verify this, but Colby Hall believes this is what set him off.
What was happening on CNN just before Trump tweeted? A deep dive segment into Trump’s denial of calling Meghan Markle “nasty” despite audio existing in which he clearly says of Prince Harry’s wife “I didn’t know that she was nasty.”
Trump's action against a news media outlet he dislikes is an affront to the First Amendment of the Constitution; something he violates quite often.
Freedom of the press from government interference is not optional. Trying to destroy a news outlet over its coverage of his presidency should be brought up as evidence in impeachment inquiries.