More cognitive dissonance from Trump's favorite propaganda network. Fox's so-called "judge" Jeanine Pirro and his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani did their best to try to discredit Mueller as some sort of senile old fool who didn't even understand his own mandate, "and who should have had enough self-control to realize I can't do this anymore" after his appearances before both the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees last week, while simultaneously painting him as part of some "deep state" conspiracy theory to go after poor old Trump.
That's a neat trick if you can pull it off, which isn't hard to do with the audience over on Fox, who will gladly lap this stuff up if it fits in with the world view created by the right wing media bubble that is all most of them are willing to expose themselves to.
Here's the latest spin from right wing world for the Trumpsters on the Mueller hearings, which, of course, were immediately parroted by Trump on Twitter.
Former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani appeared on Justice with Judge Jeanine this weekend to chat with Pirro about the recent testimony of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
The meandering and conspiracy-laced conversation touched on a large number of conservative talking points around Mueller's Russia investigation and even drew the praise of the president, who quoted Pirro in one of his early morning Sunday tweets. [...]
"I'm not even going to ask you of the report because we're going to waste time," Pirro began her conversation with Giuliani. Instead, she wanted to talk about Mueller's answers during his testimony before Congress on Wednesday.
Giuliani wasted no time, calling Mueller's answers "incoherent."
"How you could not investigate the Steele Dossier and say you were investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election is a complete contradiction, if not a false statement, if not a lie," the president's personal attorney continued. [...]
Giuliani continued, mimicking Mueller's tight-lipped, "It is not in my purview" response to many of the questions in Wednesday's hearings.
"You can, by process of elimination, figure out his purview. He eliminated everything but one thing: Frame Trump," the former mayor continued.
From there, Giuliani segued into an attack on the "liberal press," saying "Actually, this may be worse than McCarthyism, because there are more people involved than just Joe McCarthy. Donald Trump has been subjected to a new and completely authoritarian set of rules."
Giuliani and Pirro's outrage on behalf of the president is a common refrain among conservative commentators, who argue that the special counsel's report absolved the president by not recommending that charges be brought against him.
Summing up Giuliani's comments, Pirro added, "You either indict, or you keep your mouth shut."
From there the pair launched into a frenzied analysis of Mueller's mental capacity.
"I'm don't know how much he knows," Giuliani said, asserting that Mueller didn't understand his mandate.
"He was the front, Mr. Mayor!" Pirro exclaimed over her guest, "He was the shill! He was the beard! They picked him because he couldn't understand it!"
The "they" in Pirro's argument refers to liberal politicians involved in what she calls the "Deep State," a conspiracy theory in which a shadow government with a hidden agenda pulls the levers of power in Washington. [...]
Giuliani's went on, asserting that Mueller's colleagues should have pulled him off the case.
Pirro chimed in, reiterating the comment from her opening that caught the president's ear: "If you ever questioned if the Deep State existed, you just saw it. He was the beard, the cover, the shill."
If Pirro wants to know what the definition of a "shill" is, all she has to do is take a long look in the mirror, or across the table on any of her Saturday night shows.
The one thing you'll never hear from either of these two is questioning the mental capacity of the "super genius" they're both sold their soles to shill for on a weekly basis.