The Right is swiftboating Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. It's what they do.
Sean Duffy adds a layer of Cavutoing to the mix, "just asking the question" about Vindman's "affinity" for Ukraine. A reminder: The United States Congress voted to provide military aid to Ukraine in defense of their democratic government against the Russian INVADING force which has annexed Crimea. Trump held up that aid, illegally, to blackmail the Ukrainians into announcing an investigation of his political rival. All impeachable. Duffy's job (and he's being PAID by Jeff Zucker to do it) is to muddy the waters.
He has an "affinity" for our ally and for a congressional vote to provide aid. It is illegal for Donald Trump to stop that in exchange for dirt on Biden.
The swiftboating must fail this time around. Obviously, honesty and truth will not get any help from CNN.
UPDATE: Apparently Liz Cheney sees how the river is flowing and wants a career past 2022.
UPDATE 2: Fox News has their marching orders, though: