Mark Meadows Pic From Trump Health Briefing Goes Viral: ‘Better Get That Headache Checked Out’
Credit: Reuters/Erin Scott
October 5, 2020

A photograph of White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows went viral on Sunday after he spent the weekend dealing with President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 health problems.

The image of Meadows was taken on Sunday as Dr. Sean Conley was briefing reporters about the president’s condition. Conley predicted that Trump could leave the hospital as early as tomorrow even though his oxygen saturation had dipped below 94% on at least two occasions.

The photo was shared on Twitter by Reuter editor Corinne Perkins.

A day earlier, Meadows had expressed alarm at the president’s symptoms by calling his “vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning.” The remarks reportedly irritated the president.

The photo was shared on Twitter by Reuters editor Corinne Perkins.

Twitter users reacted to the photo by praising photographer Erin Scott. Others saw it as a bad sign for Trump’s chief of staff.

Read some of the responses below.

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