As Kamala Harris says:
And ABC's Terry Moran went there confronted with Trump's predictable election night LIE claiming "victory." This is authoritarian theater.
PS. Sarah Kendzior was right all along.
The clip opens with George Stephanopolous reading the lies Trump spoke about counting votes.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOLOUS: It's also not a surprise the president has been signaling this for months and months.
CECILIA VEGA, ABC NEWS: Literally just wrote down not a surprise. He has been ramping this up. It has been a steady drumbeat. Behind the scenes privately the president had been talking about this conspiracy theory of fraud and a stolen election more and more and more. When the president says this is a fraud, this is not a fraud. This is the American democratic system in action working exactly as it should be working. I also want to point out that the president said he is going to take this to the Supreme Court. We saw this coming too, because before the appointment of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, he had said that he wanted her appointed in this expeditious manner, the fastest we had ever seen a Supreme Court nominee approved this close to an Election Day, because he said he knew this case over the election would go before the Supreme Court. That gets to the heart of the controversy. This is exactly what Democrats had been fearful of and warning about heading into this election.
JONATHAN KARL, ABC: The president can say whatever he wants to say at his party in the East Room. He has no power to stop the counting of the votes. And the Supreme Court is not going to stop the counting of the votes. There is no basis in law for doing this.