January 14, 2022

On Thursday, CNN host Kate Bolduan blasted House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy as a liar.

McCarthy held a presser on Thursday, during which he refused to speak truth about January 6 and his communications that day with the White House.

After McCarthy finished his disgraceful presser, CNN turned to John Harwood for his thoughts.

"Liz Cheney said yesterday that 'I wish that Kevin McCarthy were a brave and honorable man.' He just demonstrated in the press conference why she does not see the qualities in him," Harwood said.

He continued, "He is not willing to talk about the events of January 6th in any reasonable way. He was deflecting and ducking and dodging about the things that he said --- "

Host Kate Bolduan couldn't contain her disgust and cut in.

"He was lying! He was lying," Bolduan said.

"Right," Harwood agreed.

McCarthy is refusing to tell the American public directly what really happened after he called Trump during the riots at the US Capitol.

"He evaded all attempts to explain why he told Manu Raju a few months ago that he was going to cooperate, he gave a completely disingenuous answer about why he's now changed his mind."

"Why he changed his mind on Donald Trump's role..."

The KFile reported, "House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said publicly and privately in the days following the deadly riots at the US Capitol that President Donald Trump admitted personally bearing some responsibility for the attack -- one of several reasons why the select committee on January 6 wants to hear from the House's top Republican."

"I say he has responsibility," McCarthy said on KERN, a local radio station in Bakersfield, California, on January 12 of last year. "He told me personally that he does have some responsibility. I think a lot of people do."

Now he's changing his tune to appease the MAGA cult.

The Washington Post Editorial Board is calling for McCarthy to be subpoenaed.

Mr. McCarthy likely has direct knowledge of then-president Donald Trump’s state of mind on and around Jan. 6, as well as details of Mr. Trump’s weeks-long effort before the attack to overturn the 2020 election results. Indeed, the minority leader spoke with Mr. Trump during the riot, and reports suggest that Mr. Trump ignored Mr. McCarthy’s pleas for help. “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are,” he reportedly said.

Subpoenaing the Minority Leader would be unprecedented, but his behavior amounts to a dereliction of his oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In his quest to become the next GOP House speaker, Mr. McCarthy has instead thrown in his lot with the enemies of democracy.

McCarthy is a hack who admitted Republicans used the Benghazi attack for political purposes against Hillary back in 2015.

McCarthy: But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought and made that happen.

Hannity: I agree. That's something good, I give you credit for that, I give you credit for sequestration, I give you credit -- I'll give you credit where credit is due.

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