Trump’s campaign and joint fundraising committee routed more than $771 million through a shell company formed by Trump aides, hiding details of those payments.
June 18, 2022

Via Politicalwire, we follow those millions in donations that Trump claimed to need for legal costs:

“Former President Donald Trump’s political operation and Republican Party committees have paid over $12.6 million to individuals and firms that organized the Jan. 6, 2021, rally that preceded the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol since the start of the 2020 election,” OpenSecrets reports.

“The full extent of the payments from the Trump campaign political operations to rally organizers during the 2020 election and around the rally in early 2021 remains a mystery because the campaign’s top vendor was American Made Media Consultants LLC, a firm created by Trump campaign aides to act as a clearinghouse for its spending.”

“Trump’s campaign and joint fundraising committee routed more than $771 million through the firm, hiding details of those payments.”

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