July 7, 2022

Your brain could melt trying to figure out the reasoning behind this rant by Eric Bolling (remember him?) that goes from attacking liberals for eating less meat to fear mongering they’ll be cannibals before you know it. But demonizing the left, not logic, was obviously his real goal.

BOLLING: My, how quickly we've made the jump from eat less meat to eat fake processed meat to eat bugs. But that's just what liberals do. I tell you, though, I really can't see George Soros eating a roach burger or Bill Gates eating scorpion tacos or Nancy Pelosi eating grasshopper pie made with real grasshoppers. No, that's just for you and me.

I’m a liberal who rarely eats meat and I can unequivocally state that nobody has ever even hinted that I should eat bugs. Maybe I need to get out more. Or maybe Bolling is just lying through his flesh-eating teeth.

But Bolling didn't leave it there. He argued that somehow eating less meat is the gateway to cannibalism because the 1973 Charlton Heston movie, Soylent Green, depicted it. It’s a film about people in a 2022 environmental dystopia surviving on government-issued food called Soylent Green. We saw a clip of Heston being carried off and shouting, “Soylent Green is people!”

That was all Bolling needed to leap to a warning that this is what the “liberal new world order” probably has in store:

BOLLING: That's right. Heston discovers that Soylent Green is made from the bodies of the recently deceased. Is that far beyond the realm of possibilities in the liberal new world order? I'm starting to think not. We're one step shy of that. Let them eat bugs. No, thanks, AOC Antoinette.

I would not be surprised if Bolling is the one who starts arguing for cannibalism. Because it’s always about projection with these right-wing hate mongers.

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