September 23, 2022

A scandal that might take down a former Mississippi Governor and a Hall-of-Fame NFL quarterback.

Source: CNN

The former head of Mississippi's Department of Human Services has pleaded guilty to both state and federal conspiracy and theft charges in what officials have called the largest embezzlement scheme in the state's history, according to the Department of Justice and the Hinds County District Attorney.

John Davis, 54, served as the department director at the time that state auditors say more than $70 million of federal welfare funds were being misused, including being spent on officials' personal expenses and being funneled into projects connected to prominent Mississippians, including former NFL quarterback Brett Favre.

The US Department of Justice said Thursday that Davis and "his co-conspirators" used federal funds "for their personal use and benefit."

"At Davis's direction, MDHS provided federal funds to two nonprofit organizations and then directed the two nonprofit organizations to fraudulently award contracts to various entities and individuals for social services that were never provided," the DOJ said in a news release.

"State prosecutors previously alleged that Davis conspired with non-profit operator Nancy New, left. Former Gov. Phil Bryant appointed Davis to lead MDHS in 2016 before firing him in 2019." Seen here with Bryant and New.

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