Marsha Blackburn Claims Hillary Was Behind Danchenko Acquittal
Credit: Screengrab
October 19, 2022

Sen. Marsha Blackburn continued to prove that she is one of the dumbest members in Congress by claiming Igor Danchenko's acquittal is because of Hillary Clinton and a justice system that hates MAGA.

Speaking on FBN's The Evening Edit, Blackburn ranted in true MAGA style.

"From this we have learned there are indeed two tiers of justice," she said.

"We know that D.C. is a swamp. It's full of people that are going to try and protect the FBI and the institutions," Blackburn surmised illogically.

I thought Trump was supposed to drain the swamp? We all know Traitor Trump is the swamp.

"We do know that Hillary Clinton was involved in this - this Russia hoax. All of this came from her campaign. The FBI knew that this was false. They wanted to take down Donald Trump so badly," she said.

All of that is a lie, of course.

Blackburn must believe if she smiles while she's lying it will come off better.

Sen. Blackburn must believe as long as she mentions Hillary too, the cult will believe her.

I'm only surprised she didn't throw in George Soros for good measure.

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