Even Rachel Campos-Duffy can’t be so stupid as to think that migrants trying to flee oppressive conditions in their own country are the same as Blacks unwillingly kidnapped and enslaved.
December 27, 2022

Fox & Friends cohost Rachel Campos-Duffy is quite possibly the stupidest person on Fox News. But that doesn’t stop her from being vicious. Or racist and hypocritical.

Here she is attacking the left, presumably, for not treating the southern border with the same outrage as slavery.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: So interesting. We had national, nationwide riots over slavery 200 years ago. And here we are allowing, you know, traffickers and cartels to establish slavery in our own country using the most vulnerable people.

Funny Campos-Duffy should mention slavery. Because I’m old enough to remember when she raged against the “diabolical” emphasis on slavery during a visit to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home. She also wanted a monument to enslaved Blacks to “celebrate all of the white Americans who died on behalf of the freedom of slaves.”

In other words, Campos-Duffy only seems to care about slavery when she can weaponize it.

But while she was making completely false equivalencies, she went on to liken Sen. Ted Cruz’s Cancun getaway, in the middle of a Texas deep freeze, to President Biden’s holiday vacation.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: You talk about the difference between Republicans and Democrats. You're from Texas, Congresswoman [Beth Van Duyne]. I remember what the media and Democrats did when Senator Cruz left on vacation in the middle of that ice storm. Why hasn't there been more outrage over what's happening in our country?

For one thing, it wasn’t just that Cruz left on vacation in the middle of an ice storm. He left when his constituents were literally freezing to death without power. And it wasn’t a New Year’s holiday, like Biden’s, but a deliberate getaway from a tragedy. President Joe Biden, on the other hand, can’t fly around the country helping people because of security issues. He did, however, declare an emergency in New York and he directed his team to provide immediately any federal assistance the governor requested.

So just like slavery, Campos-Duffy only seems to care about weaponizing a deadly winter storm, not its victims.

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