January 14, 2023

First of all, this is a lovely story. How beautiful that these Minnesota kids were sensitive enough to see this need, and fulfill it. But what an indictment of the local school board for not taking care of this before. Anyway,
here it is:

Glen Lake has a lot of students with physical disabilities, but no wheelchair merry-go-round, swings or any adaptive playground equipment, which really bothered the kids in Betsy Julien's fifth grade class.

"It just didn't seem fair that some kids were just left out," Wyatt Feucht said.

"And it's really sad to see other kids go through that," Me'Ayila Priere said.

"They didn't look happy, and recess is about having fun," Rhys Riley added.

So one day the students asked Julien why they couldn't just buy the equipment themselves.

"I said, 'Do you know how much that costs?! It costs a lot of money,'" Julien said: About $300,000, by her estimation.

They did it. Watch the video to learn how.

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