March 4, 2023

For years, James O'Keefe has been the perfect embodiment of the modern right's vile nature.

He sent members of his organization, Project Veritas, to catch media and left-leaning figures on video, selectively editing to make them look compromised. He got in trouble with the law for bugging the office of former Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu's, dressed up like a pimp to pull off *a sting* that distorted the mission of (and ultimately destroyed) ACORN, the organization dedicated to registering low-income voters.

Now he's in trouble with the law again for buying the contents of the stolen diary of President Biden's daughter Ashley. So it was amusing as he cried foul (ambushed, how ironic) about a board meeting held by Project Veritas while on an airplane to fire him for mistreating workers and misappropriating funds (he spent some funds on ballroom dancing --really).

In the video, Lauren Windsor talks to Matt Robison of the Blue Amp Channel about the time O'Keefe's band of merry chuds infiltrated her firm, Democracy Partners, to try to destroy them. Windsor's firm ultimately sued them for illegal wiretapping and fraudulent misrepresentation. She shares the story and her adventures getting conservatives to say things they wish they'd kept secret (except she does it legally).

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