Failed Arizona candidate Kari Lake (R) recalled on Thursday how she confronted MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski at an airport in Florida.
April 21, 2023

Failed Arizona candidate Kari Lake (R) recalled on Thursday how she confronted MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski at an airport in Florida.

"Yeah, I happened to be at the airport, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and I was leaving, and I happened to see Joe Scarborough," Lake told host Steve Bannon on the War Room podcast.

Lake said Scarborough was "very nice," but "Mika was not very pleasant."

"She started recording me unbeknownst to me, which is fine," the former candidate recalled. "And Joe said, don't do that. Like he was a little bit perturbed that she was recording."

"Then her handler, the handler you see in that picture, said, well, you're a liar, and you're an election denier, and you know, went on and you're delusional and all of this," Lake continued. "And I never lied once about elections. I'm speaking the truth about elections."

Bannon suggested Brzezinski could have been jealous of Lake.

"I don't think Mika was digging on the fact that he was pleasant to you," he said.

Lake predicted Brzezinski would not release the recording.

"I think she won't, she won't, she'll realize that I'm the one who sounded normal and sane, and she sounded unhinged, and she said that I spend my days attacking her," she opined.

"I know Mika has played that tape for Joe about a hundred times to say, why did you say that I shouldn't do this?" Bannon chimed in. "I know the Mika types. She's played it a thousand times for Joe."

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