April 13, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has returned to New York City for a deposition in a business fraud lawsuit filed against him and his company by the state's attorney general, Letitia James, or as Trump referred to her as he landed in the Big Apple, "Peekaboo," and a "racist." Trump thinks that any Black person that's critical of him is a racist.

"Just arrived in Manhattan for a deposition in front of New York State's RACIST, TRUMP HATING Attorney General, Letitia "Peekaboo" James, in another unjust & ridiculous persecution of The 45th President of the United States," he insisted. "I built a GREAT & prosperous company, employed thousands of people, built magnificent structures all over the World, but particularly in New York, & now have to prove it to this LOWLIFE who campaigned on a "I will get Trump" platform, even before knowing anything about me!"

Oh, but he wasn't done.

In another post, he claimed that the "Trump Hating Judge was sought out, or "shopped," by Peekaboo James. VERY UNFAIR. NEW YORK STATE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THIS INJUSTICE!"

After calling the Black attorney general "Peekaboo" again, in case you didn't hear him the first three times, the one-term President lashed out at district attorney Alvin Bragg, too, calling him "lying, Country killing scum."

He once again called the investigations "election interference," even though he called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up for years. He tore into Special Counsel Jack Smith "and his entire family" who he claims "are known Trump Haters," adding, "He should be removed by the corrupt DOJ, at once!"

"I will be heading downtown to meet with a Racist who leaked that I would be there at 9:30 A.M. The leak makes it much more difficult for the Police and Secret Service to do their job," he screamed into the void. "This civil case is ridiculous, just like all of the other Election Interference cases being brought against me. If I had a fair judge, this case would have never happened. MAGA!"

"Biden Obstructed with thousands of boxes loaded up with Classified documents, many stored in Chinatown, and you hear NOTHING about it," he added before meeting the woman he libeled on Truth Social. "Why?"

If I were under investigation on multiple fronts, the last thing I would do is lash out at the investigators. I'd keep my big mouth shut. I see that Trump's handlers haven't taken away his phone this morning.

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