The newly crowned monarch was not amused having to wait in his gold-encrusted carriage to go inside the cathedral to get his crown.
May 8, 2023

The newly crowned monarch was not amused having to wait in his gold-encrusted carriage to go inside the cathedral to get his crown. A lip reader claimed King Charles said: “We can never be on time. Yes, I’m … this is a negative. There’s always something … this is boring.”

Source: Sky News

The King was caught on camera grumbling to Queen Camilla, telling her "this is boring", as he waited to enter Westminster Abbey for his own coronation.

The monarch arrived at Westminster Abbey ahead of schedule on Saturday morning and had to wait outside for five minutes before entering the church.

The Prince and Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis were late and, unable to overtake to get ahead of the King, joined his procession through the church.

With the world watching his every move, one expert lipreader told Sky News what the King was saying to Camilla at the time.

"We can never be on time," he appears to tell Camilla.

"There's always something... this is boring."

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