Self's idiotic and stubborn insistence on clinging to thoughts and prayers while ignoring the role of guns in mass shootings earned him a large round of ridicule online.
May 7, 2023

Rep. Keith Self's absurd response to the massacre at a Texas outlet mall on Saturday that killed at least eight people has earned him a round of mockery online.

When asked if maybe thoughts and prayers weren't cutting it, Self responded by saying, "Well, those are people that don't believe in an almighty god who has, who is absolutely in control of our lives."

What a trite, idiotic thing to say. No one thinks guns were created by God to massacre innocent people, except for these idiots who worship at the altar of AR-15 and suck on the teat of the NRA, like Self does.

Twitter was quick to respond, and not kindly.

Every one of these idiots has to be voted out. OUT. NOW.

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