Dark Brandon Swoops Down To Swat Tuberville
Credit: Twitter
June 28, 2023

Along with being one of the worst and most useless senators, Tommy Tuberville is also shameless. After he tried taking credit for Alabama receiving $1.4 billion to expand internet access, President Biden reminded everyone who's really working for Alabama and who's just pretending he does.

Source: Business Insider

On Tuesday, Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama celebrated the fact that his state will receive $1.4 billion in federal funding to expand access to the internet statewide.

"Broadband is vital for the success of our rural communities and for our entire economy," he wrote. "Great to see Alabama receive crucial funds to boost ongoing broadband efforts."

The wrinkle: nearly two years ago, Tuberville voted against the bill that's providing that money.

On Monday, the White House announced state allocations for more than $42 billion in funding, allowing states to administer grants to develop high-speed internet.

At $1.4 billion, Alabama is receiving more than all but six states in funding under the program.

Here's Tuberville's tweet, with Twitter reminding everyone that Tuberville was a no-vote.

And President Biden's reply.

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