Donald Trump Jr. argued that the United States would invade another country if it had indicted a former leader the way his father was charged this week.
June 15, 2023

Donald Trump Jr. argued that the United States would invade another country if it had indicted a former leader the way his father was charged this week.

While speaking to War Room host Steve Bannon on Wednesday, Trump blamed his father's legal troubles on politics.

"The one thing you're not allowed to do in Washington, D.C. is stop the forever wars that seem to get everyone so rich," Trump said. "You're not allowed to go up against China that the billionaire donor class from both sides benefits so much from."

"That's the unforgivable offense that has culminated in seven years of trying to destroy my father for doing what's right for the American people, for putting America first," he continued.

Trump compared his father's legal battle to communist countries.

"I mean, we are witnessing the end of the republic if this is allowed to go through," he lamented. "This is the stuff that we've seen come out of the communist and socialist regimes and dictatorships around the world."

"These are the kinds of things that if they were going on in other countries, America would be talking about doing an invasion and getting into another war to prevent it from happening," he added. "And yet it's happening right here in our backyard."

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