June 17, 2023

Oh, thank you Baby Jeebus! You have no idea how hard this has been, not just on the national supply chain, but on the ability of the people in my neighborhood to get where they need to go. See what happens when you have Democrats running the city, state and the country? No games or one-upsmanship? Via the Philadelphia Inquirer:

Gov. Josh Shapiro said Saturday that I-95 will be reopened within the next two weeks.

“I can state with confidence we will have I-95 open within the next two weeks,” Shapiro said during a news conference at Atlantic Aviation Airport after he took a helicopter tour of the I-95 collapse site in Northeast Philadelphia with President Joe Biden.

Biden said the federal government will pay for the emergency work to reopen the highway. He said rebuilding I-95 is the most important infrastructure project in the country right now.

“It’s critical. It’s critical to our economy, it’s critical to our quality of life. We’re going to continue to do everything we can within our power to get this back open as quickly as easily as possible,” Biden said.

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