June 9, 2023

Fox News legal "analyst" Jonathan Turley offered up a bizarre political tactic Trump could use while running for the Republican nomination after being indicted on seven counts by a Miami grand jury comprised of ordinary Miami citizens.

Last year, Turley told Fox News that the possible case against Trump was very serious and as I previously wrote, "Turley seems to be very, very nervous about where that investigation will lead."

Speaking with Sean Hannity at length Thursday evening Turley offered Trump free legal and political consulting advice that's never been tried before in the history of the country, while admitting that it's likely twice-impeached, one-term, indicted former President who was recently found liable for sexual abuse is guilty of the crimes with which he has been charged.

"Donald Trump could well use his mugshot as his campaign photo because it's going to outrage a lot of people," Turley said. "And he can run on one presidential power that has never been used before, and that is the power to self-pardon."

"I think a president can indeed pardon himself," he said. "So for people outraged, and you heard some of that emotion just now, this election could become a type of sort of referendum on this criminal case."

I'm sure other Republican candidates will run on pardoning Trump if they win the 2024 election.

This has already been discussed since Trump has already said he wanted to pardon himself and his family for all federal crimes before leaving office, which suggests the criming ex-president knew he was guilty as sin.

But the most persuasive argument against self-pardons, says Michigan State University law professor Brian Kalt, is that allowing them "would violate the principle that no one can be the judge in their own case."

NPR reports that "Nixon thought about pardoning himself but faced with his own Justice Department's legal opinion that it would be unconstitutional, he didn't do it."

It's crazy to think that a president could murder his wife or political rival while in office, then pardon himself from the crime.

You can bet that Fox News hosts would argue his cause vociferously even if it is insane. It's why they're paid the big bucks.

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