July 7, 2023

Convention organizers are pulling out of Florida, it's devastating tourism and causing panic over the future of the hospitality industry, experts warned today in a report. Via Raw Story:

When asked for a reason why they were scrapping plans, one organizer wrote simply: “Governor DeSantis.”

More than half a dozen planned conventions in Broward County, which encompasses the Fort Lauderdale area, have been scrapped in recent months, according to a list drawn up by the county’s tourism promotion group Visit Lauderdale and reported by the South Florida Sun Sentinel.

“We lost this program due to political climate,” Visit Lauderdale notes on a decision by the Supreme Council of America Inc., Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Masons to cancel its meeting, planned for August next year. It also canceled 855 hotel rooms.

Thousands of dollars are also being lost by restaurants and attractions by visitors going elsewhere.

Nice to know my 15+ year boycott of Florida is finally paying off!

And the thing is, I really like Florida. The coasts are one giant seashore town. If you ignore the drinking water that tastes like liquid waste because they sucked the freshwater aquifers dry, it's a nice place to visit!

But Pudding Fingers, in his quest to become president, apparently doesn't understand that anyone who isn't one of his bootlickers or hangers-on doesn't want the rest of the country to become Florida. Hell, even many of the Floridians have had it. And a lot of those new transplants have already left as the real estate market goes down the tubes, thanks to the unaffordable homeowners insurance.

As to all those NY millionaires and billionaires who moved there to avoid paying taxes: Boo hoo.

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