Apparently, Tucker Carlson knew exactly what the audience wanted when he tried and succeeded in making the Family Leadership Summit into a pro-Putin lovefest. Fascists just love other fascists.
Source: Mediaite
A huge 95.8% of attendees in the Turning Points Action conference straw poll said they oppose the United States supporting Ukraine against Russia, Charlie Kirk announced on the stage in Florida on Sunday.
On the question of support for “U.S. involvement in the war in Ukraine,” the result came close to being unanimous.
“We asked the question, ‘Do you support U.S. involvement in the war in Ukraine?'” said Kirk on Sunday. “95.8% of you said no.”
“When will politicians learn that you can’t tell voters what to believe?” said Kirk.
Uh huh...
Because they live in their own bubble of make-believe where reality is an infrequent visitor, creeps like those people who went to the Turning Points conference just don't believe that Americans support U.S. aid to Ukraine, and by a large majority. In fact, that support has been growing in recent months. From a Reuters/Ipsos poll in late June:

Kirk continued.
This is what’s so amazing to me, as to how the Republican Party has changed for the better and how out of touch your leaders are. This is the most amazing result. Right? Would you agree, Robert? Out of everything. This is the most amazing thing. The most lopsided question that we asked is this final question, which is — so almost every single Republican running for the presidency is an enthusiastic cheerleader to send cluster bombs, munitions, and potentially American troops to eastern Ukraine to go fight Russia. We asked the question, ‘Do you support U.S. involvement in the war in Ukraine?’ 95.8% of you said no. When will politicians learn that you can’t tell voters what to believe? You should listen to your voters if you want to win a nomination process.
I sort of hope he's right though. If the Republican nominee ever says "I'll stop all military aid to Ukraine!," he will lose.