August 13, 2023

Of course former President Donald Trump pardoned disgraced Gen. Mike Flynn for lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations with a Russian diplomat. He's a disgusting individual. Flynn has called for one religion in the U.S.; I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean the Jewish faith. While describing his trip to Auschwitz, Flynn blamed the Jews for being exterminated.

"But any mother who would be told, give me your child, okay, give me your child, your baby, and we're gonna separate you, and we're not just gonna put you into a club coach car, right, where there's buffet service," Trump's former national security adviser said. "We're gonna stuff you like a sardine into a train."

"And early on, they really didn't know," he continued. "They thought that they were being taken out of war zones to be taken care of. And then it didn't take long before the word got out because people started to escape."

"Some great stories about it," he said. "And they started to realize, hey, they're actually taking you there, and they're doing some really sick things."

"But I'm thinking to myself because I asked, I asked the guy, the very, very astute historian that was walking myself and a couple of others through him, I'm asking him, so tell me, what were the rules for the guards because there wasn't many guards, but there were thousands, thousands of people," he continued.

"Maybe they're members of your congregation," he told the attendees. "Maybe it's you."

"That just said, okay, here's my child, and get on the train," he said. "Talk about being in the valley of the shadow of death."

"Now that's in the 30s, in the 1930s," he added. "That's not even 100 years ago."

Just shameful.

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