Fox's Brian Kilmeade accidentally allowed former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to take apart one of Republicans key talking points for impeaching Joe Biden during his One Nation show this weekend.
September 26, 2023

Fox's Brian Kilmeade accidentally allowed former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to take apart one of Republicans key talking points for impeaching Joe Biden during his One Nation show this weekend.

As we've discussed here over and over again, Fox has continually pushed the nothingburger that Biden supposedly pressured the corrupt former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin as an excuse to demand Republicans begin an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, and it got so bad over there last month that they actually gave nearly three hours of coverage for Shokin himself to push more of his hoax-premised claims against Biden.

Well, this weekend, Kilmeade apparently screwed the pooch and allowed Poroshenko to shoot a bunch of holes into all that hard work his network has been doing trying to go after Biden and help their buddy Trump get back into the White House.

Don't expect the interview above to be replayed anywhere else on Fox. I'm sure they're hoping as few of their viewers as possible saw it over the weekend.

Here's more from The Daily Beast: Fox News Just Accidentally Demolished a Biden-Ukraine Conspiracy Theory:

Brian Kilmeade on Sunday inadvertently took a sledgehammer to a load-bearing pillar holding up a long-debunked conspiracy that Republicans are currently trying to use to impeach President Joe Biden, interviewing a guest who discredited the figure at the heart of that story in a matter of seconds.


After asking him briefly about the state of the war with Russia, Kilmeade steered Poroshenko towards his relationship with Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general fired after 14 months in office plagued by allegations he was ineffective at tackling corruption.

Shokin was ousted in March 2016, with then-Vice President Biden throwing his weight behind the push for his dismissal. Biden later publicly claimed he’d threatened to withhold a $1 billion financial aid package from Ukraine until Shokin was out.

Despite similar calls from European officials and literal protests in the street demanding Shokin’s resignation, however, Donald Trump and his allies would seize on the Biden connection, claiming that he’d actually strong-armed Ukraine’s parliament after Shokin began investigating a gas company tied to Hunter Biden.

Unfortunately for Kilmeade, when he did his best to try to aid and abet Republicans in that effort, Poroshenko shot it down:

BRIAN KILMEADE (HOST): I had a chance to talk to, Victor Shokin, a man who says, he was friends of yours. So you asked to come back and help out during the transition, after the previous regime. Here's what he said on why he was fired by you, listen.

KILMEADE: Is that why he got fired, because of the billion dollars and the former vice president, now president?

POROSHENKO (GUEST): First of all, this is the completely crazy person. This is something wrong with him. Second, there is no one single word of truth. And third, I hate the idea to make any comments and to make any intervention in the American election.

We have very much enjoyed the bipartisan support. And, please do not use the such person like Shokin to undermine the trust between bipartisan support and Ukraine.

I love the fact that Kilmeade pretty much looked like a deer in the headlights before the interview ended. It won't stop them from continuing to lie about it though. They'll just move along and make sure Poroshenko is never allowed on as a guest again on their fake "news" network.

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