Wingnut Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene apparently believes it would be just wonderful to go a whole two months with no House speaker, just like they did in 1855. Yeah, sure Marge.
October 25, 2023

Wingnut Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene apparently believes it would be just wonderful to go a whole two months with no House speaker, just like they did in 1855. Yeah, sure Marge.

Immediately following the news that Tom Emmer had withdrawn his bid for speaker, Greene made an appearance on Fox Business Network, and was asked by host Larry Kudlow to "handicap the race" for him and when we can expect to have a speaker.

Greene responded by pretending it would be perfectly acceptable to go for a couple of months with the House continuing to be paralyzed.

GREENE: Well, Larry I totally agree with you, we have to accomplish all those things. I would like to remind everyone with a history lesson. Back in 1855 the Congress went two months with 133 ballots trying to elect a Speaker of the House. Maybe that’s what we go through again because I think – and I would argue – the GOP is going through a big change. And it needs to be an America First change. That’s what Republican voters want and that’s what the American people want, and that’s what our country needs.


KUDLOW: You know Marjorie, I'm so old... I... now that you reminded me, I remember the 1855 thing. I was around. I was a bit young at the time but I was a researcher for Abe Lincoln in those days. But you know, in all seriousness, what you say is important. I'm not going to pick winners and losers. That's not my job. We rely on you and a, just a handful of others to help us on this but, you know, I don't know that we can go two months. You know, I think two weeks might be even that, and we just need, Israel needs our help. I think you would agree with that, and we've go to agree on the budget.

Maybe if we can get some of these Biden district Republicans to finally do the right thing, we won't continue to be held hostage by Greene and her ilk. It's pretty pathetic when you've even got someone like Kudlow scoffing at your nonsense on how long this dysfunction and paralysis can continue to go on, no matter how kind he was trying to be to her in the process. What's shameful is he knows how dangerous this whole game is, and still treated her with the deference she didn't deserve here.

The inmates are running the asylum right now. When the rest of the country that's still sane has had a bellyful of it and finally puts an end to this is another question.

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