October 7, 2023

Trump is having a slapfight with words again. This bit of weirdness reminds me of Trump saying in 2018 after Hurricane Florence hit, "This is a tough hurricane. One of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water."

On Friday, Trump spoke of our education system in this country, and while demeaning it, he sounded like a buffoon that needs an education.

"So, we have the worst education almost in the large world, the world that people know about," he said out loud.

Twitter had something to say.

The problem (well, one of them) is that narcissists never learn because they already think they know e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. That's why Trump repeats the same mistakes. Over and over. And then there's the time when he said, "Does anybody die from the flu? I didn't know people died from the flu," even though his grandfather died from the flu in 1918.

Hey, MAGA, you can shut your stupid mouths now about Biden's mental acuity. We see you.

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