Damn, Mother Nature! You Scary!
Credit: Screencap
November 24, 2023

About a month ago, Scotland was getting slammed by Storm Babet. The storm brought torrential rainfalls and high winds. The rains absolutely saturated the ground. Then the high winds worked the trees to the point of affecting their entire root systems and threatening to topple them over. As a result of these two conditions, the ground began to "move like the sea" and to "breathe deeply." A man walking his dog caught both of these effects on video. If you ask me, the man and the dog are either brave or totally mad, because I know that not one of my dogs would go onto a patch that was moving like that and would probably join me in just saying nope and moving to someplace a little more sane, like Antartica.

That's why I like living here behind the Cheddar Curtain. The worst we have to deal with is the occasional snowfall. No hurricanes, no gators, no earthquakes and no woods trying to eat you and your dog.

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