GA Election Workers Can Enforce Judgment Against Giuliani IMMEDIATELY
December 21, 2023

Rudy Giuliani is in deep, deep trouble after a whammy of a ruling by Judge Howell regarding the judgment issued against him in the civil trial filed by Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. Just last week Giuliani was hit with an insane judgment of $148 million dollars for defamation and punitive damages for the baseless and harmful lies he told about the 2 Georgia election workers following the 2020 election.

Late on Wednesday, Judge Howell ordered IMMEDIATE ENFORCEMENT of the judgment, stating in the order that “Giuliani has “proven himself to be an unwilling and uncooperative litigant."

Read the order here:

Giuliani can ask for a stay pending appeal, but that would most likely require him to post a bond for the full amount - $148 million - which he absolutely does not have.

There is also a very valid concern that he would try to hide his assets. The order says: "Giuliani feebly counters concerns about him hiding assets, stating that there is no evidence in the record of any attempt by [him] to dissipate assets. This statement simply ignores the ample record in this case of Giuliani’s efforts to conceal or hide his assets..."

A lack of evidence of him trying to hide his assets does not mean he has not - or will not in the future - hide assets from this judgment. Especially considering that this monetary judgment will absolutely bankrupt him and leave him a pauper. No amount of fundraiser dinners at Mar-A-Lago will ever get him close to paying this off. He does not own real property that would cover this debt. He cannot practice law anymore. There is literally no way to pay this off.

Ruby and Shaye - collect every penny you can NOW.


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