'Deadbeat' Republican Called Out Over Hypocrisy With Student Debt
Credit: screen capture
February 26, 2024

Iowa Republican Rep. Ashley Hinson is against forgiving student debt, but the Internet is calling her out because her husband's company had a PPP loan of $143,043 forgiven. This hypocrisy isn't new for Hinson, who, in 2022, touted the Infrastructure bill she voted against.

"If you take out a loan, you pay it back," Hinson posted on X. "There's no such thing as "canceling" student loan debt."

Social media users pounced.

Name something Republicans have done for middle-class or poverty-stricken families in the last 40 years. More than 40 million individuals collectively owe more than $1.6 trillion in back-breaking student debt. But only a Congressperson should get a break, right?

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