April 10, 2024

Allen Weisselberg, a former longtime executive in Donald Trump’s real estate empire, is set to be sentenced today for lying under oath in the ex-president’s New York civil fraud case. Via the Associated Press:

Weisselberg, 76, is expected to be sentenced to five months in jail after pleading guilty last month to two counts of perjury. The ex-chief financial officer admitted lying when he testified he had little knowledge of how Trump’s Manhattan penthouse came to be valued on his financial statements at nearly three times its actual size.

It will be his second time behind bars. He served 100 days last year for dodging taxes on $1.7 million in company perks, including a rent-free Manhattan apartment and luxury cars.

Now, he’s again trading life as a Florida retiree for another stay at New York City’s notorious Rikers Island jail complex.

These Trump loyalists are so much like the mob -- but the mob has hitmen. I wonder what actual threat Trump presents to these guys. He must have some real dirt.

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