Rep. Lauren Boebert, Newsmax host Jenn Pellegrino and Ginger Gaetz are scheduled to appear as "special guests" at the Washington D.C. Young Republicans' "Hot Girl Summer women's happy hour" on June 26.
Lauren Boebert Headlines 'Hot Girl Summer' For Young Republicans
Credit: Twitter
June 16, 2024

Because nothing says you're a serious lawmaker like doing shots with college-aged kids on a rooftop bar for happy hour.

Source: Newsweek

House Republican Lauren Boebert, Newsmax host Jenn Pellegrino and Ginger Gaetz, wife of Representative Matt Gaetz, are scheduled to appear as "special guests" at the Washington D.C. Young Republicans' "Hot Girl Summer women's happy hour" on June 26.

The event is scheduled to take place at Takoda Navy Yard Rooftop, a bar on 1299 1st Street SE, with guests asked to arrive at 6 p.m. ET.

Boebert, who represents Colorado's third congressional district in the House, is fighting to be selected as her party's candidate for the state's more-conservative fourth congressional district in November. A recent Kaplan Strategies poll found her to be the clear frontrunner in the six-way GOP primary race with 40 percent support, and no other candidate scoring in double digits.

The Washington D.C. Young Republicans published a pink promotional graphic for the event on X, formerly Twitter. It featured headshots of the three guests, along with outlines of women in bikinis and palm trees. Since Friday, it has received more than 103,000 views from other platform users. An attached RSPV form warns "space is limited" and asked anyone interested in attending to reply by June 25.

The Young Republicans' invite was widely ridiculed on social media.

Reviews have been mixed.

She forgot grandma too.

And some well-deserved sexism after her theatre antics last year.

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