June 4, 2024

To commemorate Farage's first day of campaigning, a young woman threw her milkshake in his face, the same as happened in 2019 when Farage ran in Newcastle.

Source: The Sun

NIGEL Farage was drenched with MILKSHAKE by a young woman today as his general election campaign got off to a soggy start.

The Reform Party leader left his event in the Essex seaside town of Clacton when he was splattered with the McDonald's banana drink.

It is the second time the Brexit champion has been swilled - having been covered head-to-toe in Newcastle in 2019.

Mr Farage had just left the Moon and Starfish Wetherspoon - where he kicked off his battle for Parliament - when he was targeted.

A blonde woman pushed her way through the vast crowds before hurling her milkshake at the Reform leader from point-blank range.

Members of his entourage - including former leader Richard Tice - looked on horrified as the yellowy substance was chucked.

You knew this song by Kelis was coming.

Still, not everyone in Clacton hates a fascist, apparently.

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