Back in December, Trump endorsed MAGA candidate Abe Hamadeh. Now, two days before the primary, he's also endorsed the other MAGA candidate, Blake Masters.
Lumpy Hedges His Bets In AZ-08
July 29, 2024

All we know about the Republican primary in Arizona's 8th congressional district is that it will be held on July 30th, and either Abe Hamadeh or Blake Masters will win. Since Trump had previously endorsed Hamadeh back in December, Blake Masters has pumped a ton of money into the race and could very well win on Tuesday. That poses a problem for Trump so he did what any other craven political hack who doesn't like being associated with losers would do: he endorsed them both.

Source: Arizona Republic

In a blow to MAGA candidate Abe Hamadeh, former President Donald Trump announced on Saturday evening he also would support one of Hamadeh’s campaign rivals — the venture capitalist Blake Masters — as both compete to represent the West Valley in Congress.

Trump, who initially had backed Hamadeh, made the rare dual endorsement just days before the July 30 primary election.

"Blake Masters is a very successful businessman, and an incredibly strong supporter of our Movement to Make America Great Again — He is smart and tough!" the former president wrote in a social media post.

"Likewise, Abe Hamadeh, a Veteran, former prosecutor, and fearless fighter for Election Integrity, has been with me all the way!"

Both candidates have his "Complete and Total Endorsement," Trump wrote: "THEY WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!”

Hamadeh secured an endorsement from Trump, the Republican Party’s standard-bearer, in December.

Masters posted this to Twitter on Sunday. He used Trump's endorsement video from 2022 when Masters ran for the U.S. Senate.

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