July 25, 2024

Trump joined Fox and Friends today and when asked what he plans to do about early voting he said he already has the votes, but he has lawyers in every polling place to intimidate voters anyway.

I think it's hard to follow his reasoning? Co-host Lawrence Jones asked the final question.

"Mr. President, real quickly, is there a plan, though, for when it comes to early voting and ballot harvesting, the legal way, since the Democrats have made it legal, is there a plan for the Republicans to get out there, door knock and get those ballots?" he asked.

"We have a tremendous group of people, thousands, tens of thousands of people all over the country," Trump said. "We have poll watchers, the likes of which we've never had before."

That would be called election intimidation and interference.

Trump then continued promoting his BIG LIE

Whether you like it or not, they cheat on elections. They cheat. That's what they do the best. They're no good at policy.

They're no good on the border. They're no good with the economy.

But they cheat like hell. That's what they're good at. We have lawyers at every poll booth.

Democrats don't cheat at elections, but Republicans lie about them when they lose. As for the economy, it grew a whopping 2.8% in the second quarter which beat all predictions.

There were roughly 116,990 polling places in America as of 2016. How is Trump paying them? He lies when he says he has lawyers at every one. But that's what a serial liar does. Lie, lie, lie.

Trump then gave his voters strict instructions on what to do next.

"We have that's what I in fact, my instruction," he said. "We don't need the votes. I have so many votes."

Who knew the country already held the general election and Trump won?

Is the cockwobbler having daytime delusions on the airwaves of Fox News? Why isn't anyone inquiring as to his cognitive abilities? Or is he so confident because he's counting on cheating to win?

Like a broken record or sputtering brain impaired man who repeats the same things over and over again, Trump claimed he did better in the second election that he lost by almost 8 million votes than he did in the first.

MAGA stay home on Election Day and don't vote early. STOP. Those are Trump's orders FULL STOP.

UPDATE: Kamala Harris' rapid response team has one question: Is Donald Trump ok? Here's the whole thing. They are not holding back.

Kamala Harris campaign retort
Credit: Screenshot

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