July 15, 2024

Unsurprisingly, Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated to the bench by Trump in 2020 and whose husband has mob ties, let the felon off the hook for hoarding our country's classified documents. Trump loves this country so much that he kept our country's sensitive documents in the shitter at Mar-a-Lago. Other confidential folders were kept with golf shirts, a MAGA hat, other Trump merchandise, and Diet Coke bottles.

The felon took to Truth Social for his victory lap in yet another unhinged post.

"As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts — The January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia “Perfect” Phone Call charges," he wrote. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!"

Sure thing, buddy. Everything is against you, even the shitter at Mar-a-Lago.

Don Junior raised the temperature with his own angry MAGA rant, too.

Cannon took issue with Special Counsel Jack Smith, who I'm sure will appeal the case. I wonder what she thinks of Republicans appointing special counsel Robert Hur, a Trump appointee, over President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents. Never mind. We already know the answer. In the end, Hur absolved Biden of any wrongdoing.

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