September 22, 2024

A couple from Surprise, Arizona got a surprise when they were arrested and charged in relation to the January 6th insurrection:

A couple from Surprise has been charged in connection to the Jan, 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Kiera and David Pracht were arrested in August and charged with entering or remaining in a restricted building without lawful activity, intent to disrupt the orderly conduct of government business, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building and demonstrating in a Capitol building.

The charges allege the Prachts were among hundreds of people who amassed at the U.S. Capitol and breached the Capitol building in an effort to disrupt the certification of electors in the 2020 Presidential election.

The Prachts aren't accused of some of the more egregious crimes of assaulting police officers or committing any damage. However, it is interesting the steps that the authorities are taking to build the case. They're doing everything from attaining cellphone tracking information, to combing through social media posts, and pouring over hours of open-source camera footage.

But the thing that struck me the most is that they were married, went a-rioting together and were arrested together. I hope they realize that if even one of them gets sentenced to prison, they won't be together then. I just hope they don't have any children.

That said, my wife and I will be celebrating our silver wedding anniversary in a few weeks. We've taken plenty of trips and vacations together. But in all those 25 years, not once did we even consider going rioting together. What is wrong with these people?

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