September 5, 2024

It’s not just Democrats who are hoping that Donald Trump will be dealt a devastating defeat in November. Via The Daily Beast:

Several notable Republican figures also want the former president to lose to Kamala Harris but aren’t saying so publicly, according to Politico. Some GOP lawmakers see the possibility of a new Trump term as bad news for the party, the outlet reports.

Among those concerned are proponents of free market economic policies who are concerned by Trump’s proposed import tariffs, while abortion rights opponents are also skeptical of his inconsistent messaging on that issue, according to Politico.

They’re also reportedly concerned that Trump winning in 2024 could hurt the GOP’s electoral chances in the future.

“There’s a lot of anxiety about what Trump does to Republican ability to win in 2028—and what he also may do to the party in terms of policy long term,” one anonymous conservative leader told Politico. “There is just this concern that like, ‘OK, if the party just goes in that direction, then what kind of party is it going forward? And can conservatives, then, have a home going forward?’”

See? Republicans: They're just like us! Except for the lying and grifting parts they were happy to be part of the first time around with Trump. And none of them mention what Trump is doing to destroy democracy. But hey, they're Republicans. I think they're missing the ethics module.

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