September 27, 2024

One of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s strengths is his down-to-earth, approachable personality, something only accentuated by how weird Ohio Sen. JD Vance repeatedly acts

On Tuesday, Walz posted a short video from a campaign stop last week at local eatery H&H Soul Food in Macon, Georgia. In the video, Walz notices a sign hanging up on the wall that reads “Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy.” 

The enjoyable back and forth ends with Walz taking photos under the sign with the entire staff. He’s pretty good at this.


Recent polling shows that Americans have a far more favorable opinion of Walz than they do of Vance. With the vice presidential debate coming up on Tuesday, you need only watch the differences between how Walz and Vance order doughnuts to know who is more at ease with themselves and the American people.

Reposted with permission from Daily Kos.

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