October 28, 2024

During a rally this morning in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Kamala Harris' running mate, Governor Tim Walz highlighted Trump's true love of China by having his Trump Bibles manufactured there.

Walz was in top form as he bashed Elon Musk again, describing him as a dipshit who hates union workers just like Trump does, who destroyed manufacturing in this country during his presidency.

Oh, and he called bullshit on them all. "They know how to manufacture bullshit and they prove it every single day," Walz said.

Walz highlighted Trump's hatred of union workers.

WALZ: While Vice President Harris has overseen the creation of nearly 190,000 jobs in Wisconsin, including 22,000 manufacturing jobs.

Donald Trump, during his leadership, 84,000 Wisconsin jobs gone, including 6,000 manufacturing jobs. Two years, Trump's presidency was an endless string of broken promises.

He promised to fight for union workers, repeatedly turned his back on them, even encouraged companies to move to anti-union states so they could pay their workers less. There's a reason unions across this country have endorsed Kamala Harris.

[Shouts out UAW president, who says...]

Donald Trump's a scab and that's what unions do.

They could care less about union workers. They care about their billionaire friends like Elon Musk.

Then the Minnesota governor focused his attention on Trump and China.

WALZ: Now he says we should just let China dominate the industries of the future.

That's who this guy is. Look, no surprise.

Trump's all talk when it comes to being tough on China. We found out that his Trump-branded Bibles were printed there. I said this, he outsourced God to the Chinese.

My favorite was this, though.

As I said, I was going to try and show him a little bit of grace. I don't really blame him, because the Made in China sticker was inside the Bible, a place he'd never seen.

From praising Xi Jinping, he loves him.

He rules his people with an iron fist.

That's what Donald Trump said.

Gov. Tim Walz is very good on the stump.

There's no need to fact-check him because every thing he said here is true.

Unlike Heir Trump and JD "creepy" Vance.

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