On Tuesday we announced our fund raiser for banners and t-shirts at Occupy the Rose Parade. You guys stepped up immediately and gave just over $2,000! Amazing! Small donations too. Thank you everyone who donated.
Our goal is $3,000 total. Organizers have told us that's what they need to do their float at this year's Rose Parade right. We are very, very close.
Occupy the Rose parade has coordinated with Pasadena police. They have a First Amendment right to march in the parade. They are float number 44 (as in Obama the 44th president). The Rose Parade is viewed by 50 million Americans and 200 million people world wide. The organizers are expecting anywhere from 1,000 to 4,000 protesters to participate. Not only are there plenty of eyeballs to reach, five floats in the parade are sponsored by (wait for it) banks. Read all about their plans here.
So we are running this fund raiser one more day - this is last minute to give to allow time for the banners and t-shirts made in time for the event. Any amount you can give will make a difference.
Thank you so much for your donations!