Okay, here we are plugging along at Day Number 8. Thanks for the donations so far, they are helping, but we really gotta keep it going. While C&L will be covering the 2012 elections, Newstalgia will be looking at elections going back to the 1920's to give you historic perspective on how this system works (or doesn't) and why.
But it costs to make these posts happen and there's no money to do it. Time and effort really eat up and storage alone is a huge cost every month, and a lot of months we can't make it and we're always threatened with some sort of reprisals. That's why donations really matter, no matter how much.
Look - I know we're all going through financial crap at the moment and if we didn't absolutely need it in order to keep this site going, we wouldn't do it. Sadly, AOL isn't waving any checkbooks at us and no other big-time website wants to give us the right time of day. We don't do stories about the Kardashians and we could give a shit less what Justin Bieber had for breakfast this morning. We're trying to pique your curiosity, we're trying to give you useful information, useful background and historic perspective on the important issues happening in this rather haywire world so you can get some idea what's going on and what's happening and how it's affecting you and why people do the same thing over and over. Insanity? Sure. But there are those who hope you don't remember and don't realize the same argument has been happening over and over again. And you won't notice. It's that old "not learning lessons from the past and being doomed to repeat them" scenario that keeps playing.
It's really simple actually. History isn't something that's dead and buried - it keeps going. It's when you forget it that it invariably comes up and bites you on the ass.
Most people are surprised at the current goings on - the Healthcare debate, for example. But if you read Newstalgia from 2009 (when we started), you would know this argument has been going on since the 1930's and the same arguments against it and the same people screaming loudly against it have been at it over 70 years. Different players, certainly, but the mantra is exactly the same. You would know that and it wouldn't come as a surprise to you.
That's what we're trying to do. Let you know that some things don't change unless you change the argument.
So this is what we're up against. Trying to keep this site going. Trying to not only give history, but some difference from the mainstream, which is why we do music and arts and out of the way tidbits as a way of turning you on to things you may not be familiar with. Hoping somehow to make a difference.
And you can help with that. And I would love your help with that. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support I've gotten so far from you. It's the ones on the fence I'm talking to - the ones who do a lot of downloading from the site and don't chip in some as a way of thanks. If you chipped in half as much, or even a quarter as much as you pay for iTunes downloads, I'd be thrilled. But even iTunes doesn't have what Newstalgia has and that's what makes us doubly unique and that much more vital to continue.
I'm here as long as you're here and as long as there's interest I'll be around. When I stop you'll know I just couldn't keep it going. But I'd rather not stop. So if you can, please donate what you can.
And while you're mulling it over, a little blast of music from the movie Z.