Fox's Neil Cavuto -- like a whole raft of right-wing ideologues -- is appalled, just appalled, these days by all the people who are succumbing to the liberal siren song on economics -- including his guest yesterday, former NYSE chair Richard Grasso:
You know what retirement has done for you? You've become like a liberal. You trust the government!
The problem for conservatives is that, as much as the Wall Street and Big Money types may have loved them back in the day -- when Reaganism/Bushism set them free to roam at will -- they've fallen out of favor because of what their ideology hath wrought: A collapse of the economy.
Money guys love you when you let them do what they want. But when doing that makes them lose their shirts, money guys get serious about doing what it takes to fix it.
And it's abundantly clear to everyone who's serious about money that the cause of this collapse has been the Perfect Storm created by conservative ideology put into practice: excessive deregulation, tax-code favoritism, and massive military spending and adventurism.
If the guys with the money are serious about getting back on their feet -- and they are -- they know this nonsense has to come to an end. So conservatives are now being treated like the slutty woman Wall Streeters met on that weekend getaway. It was fun while it lasted, but hey, got a wife and kids back home, ya know.
Sure, you still get diehard koolaid drinkers like AmSpec's Matthew Vadum, who keep wanting to lay the debacle at the feet of liberals (it's all those minority lending programs!). And there aren't many takers, especially when it comes to people for whom the bottom line trumps ideology.
Yes, it's clear that we're going to get a good solid dose of liberal economic policy -- which certainly worked to spectacular effect back in the 1990s. You had Pat Buchanan on MSNBC this morning bemoaning the looming reality: "We are on the way to a European economy." And their worst nightmare would be that it might actually work well.
It must drive the right insane to realize that their own portfolios' health depends on Barack Obama's success. And all those dittoheads out there talking about "the Obama recession" are really going to choke if they ever are forced to utter the words "the Obama recovery."