Televangelist Pat Robertson says that people on the left pretend to be liberal but they "want death" because they are trying to "kill off old people" and "want to do away with unborn children."
Following a Tuesday CBN report about how the federal government was cracking down on anti-abortion protesters who violate the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, Robertson ranted that liberals had created a "society of death."
"Those on the left claim to be liberals but they want death," the TV preacher asserted. "They want to kill off old people or facilitate the euthanasia of old people. They want to do away with unborn children. They get passionate about the whole thing. They're wild, literally wild in demonstrations when they go out against the pro-life advocates."
Robertson added: "And all these pro-lifers are basically saying is to the expected mothers is, 'Would you please think a little bit about what you're doing? Within you is a human being and perhaps you don't want to terminate its life.'"
(h/t: Right Wing Watch)