Via Occupy Wall St., Via International People's Assembly:
We call on all activists fighting banker-imposed austerity – here in the U.S. and worldwide – to come to Detroit, Michigan, on October 5 and 6, 2013. Join the people of this city under siege in convening the International People’s Assembly Against the Banks and Against Austerity.
Join us in Detroit on October 5-6 to demand:
- Cancel the debt to the banks which is strangling our schools, cities, states and countries.
- Guarantee workers’ jobs and pensions and services for the community. No union busting. $15 minimum wage!
- End undemocratic, racist emergency management of our cities and schools.
- A jobs program funded by the banks to put the unemployed to work rebuilding our cities. The banks owe our communities billions of dollars for the destruction they have caused.
- Moratorium on all foreclosures and foreclosure-related evictions. Housing is a right.
- Repudiate student loan debt. Education must be free and available to all. Increase funding for public education.
- Stop racism and attacks on immigrants, women, the LGBTQ community and people with disabilities.
- The federal government must bail out the people, not the banks.
- Money for cities, not for war–Hands off Syria.
- Ban Fracking. No tar sands oil, petcoke, wood ethanol, etc. Reverse climate change.
For more information: http://www.internationalpeoplesassembly.org/