July 25, 2012

Video streaming by Ustream

Protesters broke the windows of least a half-dozen storefronts in Anaheim on Tuesday resulting in 24 people being arrested and leaving six injured in the second major clash between police and demonstrators since an officer shot dead an apparently unarmed man.

Around 600 protesters converged on City Hall at around 7 p.m. EST to urge council members to investigate a series of recent officer-involved shootings and reform the city's police force, which residents have accused of racial profiling.

Officials say there have been eight officer-involved shootings in the city this year.

The council chamber reached capacity and police in riot gear blocked access to the meeting.

"We are happy to hear from any and all residents," Anaheim Mayor Tate said. "But we will not accept any violent protests, vandalism or arson perpetrated under the guise of public protest."

I posted video earlier of Tim Pool and Amber Lyons as Anaheim police opened fire (non-lethal) them on Tuesday night, even though Pool has his arms in the air holding his media credentials. They managed to escape unharmed.

Everyone is back tonight again, police are knocking on car windows, for some reason, and if Twitter is any indication, tensions are still high among those in Anaheim.

As per Tim Pool's livestream, a huge police presence, and a lot of media just hanging around, things are quiet at the moment. Waiting and watching...

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