While our own particular grasp on Planet Earth goes wildly askew today, I thought it would be least sympathetic to look back on another particular April 29th as some sort of assurance that yes, the world has always been at least a little wacko.
So April 29th 1998 comes flashing on the screen - and maybe a dull one by comparison, but not without its own brand of nutiness as a reminder.
On April 29th 1998 the Senate Finance Committee investigated abuses by the IRS, with hearings bringing out stories of thuggery and Police state tactics. Meanwhile, the inimitable Kenneth Starr was shoveling his own stall of detritus with the Whitewater Hearings. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was visiting China, ahead of a state visit by President Clinton. Imelda Marcos, giving a tear-filled concession speech, ended her bid for Presidential election in the Philippines and the hopes for a "get out of jail free" card in the process. Prosecutors in the Unabomber case recommended Ted Kaczynski get Maximum Security Prison since it was felt he was capable of doing anything. Child Day Care workers were discovered to be making on average of $12K a year and most thought that was wildly unfair. Speaking of offspring, there was a call to ban infertility treatments that would result in multiple births. And scientists in England discovered a potential cure for tooth decay by using strains of Tobacco.
But don't take my word for it - here is a broadcast of the CBS World News Roundup for April 29th, 1998.
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