As days in history go, June 29, 2000 was probably less memorable but no less frantic. It started off with news that the Wild fires in Southern Washington State, having consumed some 180,000 acres were heading towards the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, but hopeful spokespeople painted optimistic pictures saying everything would be okay, just as long as the wind didn't whip up . . .again. And the Happiest Place On Earth was scene of a hostage situation, as a distraught husband and father took his 4 year old and a Concession worker at gunpoint demanding to see the ex while at Disney World in Orlando. Disgraced Atlanta Braves Pitcher John Rocker, who managed to piss off an entire city and several races in the process, returned to baseball briefly. His return was greeted with such reverse warmth and abhorrence that he was accompanied by a phalanx of armed police and escorted from the ballpark in an armored car when the show was over. The Elian Gonzalez case got something of a recap when Janet Reno gave a presser to air her views on the fiasco. When asked if she learned anything from the ordeal she said, no because nothing like that was ever going to happen again. President Clinton nominated Norman Mineta to Secretary of Commerce, the first Asian American to land the gig. British Scientists tossed a wet blanket on the Aspirin for Heart Health theory, saying dousing yourself with the tiny pharmaceutical would probably do more harm than good in the long run. Oh well.
And if you were a former American Cancer Society exec named Daniel Wiant you'd be sweating bullets on this day as the Feds just handed you a Fraud indictment for the $7million you embezzled from the Charity.
Eleven years ago this day, as it sound on the CBS World News Roundup Late Edition for June 29, 2000.