Continuing the review of years past - 1991 gets votes for sheer memorability. A lot happened that year and much of it would have repercussions for years, if not decades to come.
Operation Desert Storm was one of those situations that would rear its ugly head in the next decade. So was the Stock Market, so were hedge funds, so were CEO's salaries - a lot of things we sort of shrugged our shoulders over came back to bite us in later years.
And who could forget Clarence Thomas? Certainly the Bush (#1) Administration's gift that's kept on giving for a lot of years since.
You could point to this year as the start of a lot of fast-and-loose living. Of course, there was still the Dot Com bubble to appear, but that wasn't for another year or so. 1991 was bad enough all on its own.
Here is NPR's take on it via All Things Considered from December 31st, complete with a vocal rendition of "My Favorite Things" as a reminder 1991 being just a little more haywire than a lot of years in the past.
And maybe you just forgot all about it. I know I certainly tried.