May 12, 2010


(Black Orpheus - made Samba a household word)

Probably one of the greatest films in World Cinema, Black Orpheus was a must-see for just about every student who passed through a cinema class from the 1960's to 1980's. It's hard to imagine anyone not knowing anything about this film, but the passage of time can fade a lot of things from view, even films considered classics like this one.

One of the attractions was the soundtrack - a heady mix of Samba, Bossa Nova and Brazilian Carnaval, helped launch such musicians as Luis Bonfa, Bola Sete and Antonio Carlos Jobim into world prominence and create a huge interest in music from South America.

Tonight's track is the theme that runs throughout the film, Manha de Carnaval a haunting a lyrical song that sets the mood for a remarkable story.

Do yourself a favor and check out the film - in the meantime, check out the track and get in the mood.

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